„Eesti rahvustoidud. Traditional Estonian Cooking“
Unustamatud hetked hea toiduga on elamused, mis jäävad meiega kogu eluks. Maailmas rännates kogeme me uusi, eksootilisi maitseid, kuid koju jõudes tõdeme taas, et ei ole midagi paremat kodusest Eesti köögist.
Milline on õige eesti maitse? Proovi järele, kuidas maitseb sumedal suveõhtul ritsikate laulu saatel värske kartul soola, tilli ja sulavõiga või käredal talveajal seapraad hapukapsaga või verivorst pohlamoosiga.
Selles raamatus on Eesti rahvusköögi kullafondi parimad palad. Need, mida tegid meie emad, vanaemad, vanavanaemad ja mida tänaseni palavalt armastatakse.
Need on toidud, mis sulavad suus, teevad terveks ja õnnelikuks. Neis on mälestused lapsepõlvest, kodusoojusest, hea toidu naudingutest, pere koosolemise rõõmust.
We experience new, exciting tastes when travelling in different countries. Moments with good food are unforgettable and are remembered for the rest of our lives.
Food tastes vary from country to country. The local nature and products give national cuisine its special characteristics.
What is an authentic Estonia taste? Discover the taste of fresh potatoes served with dill and melted butter on a tender summer evening, to the sound of a chorus of grasshoppers; or the taste of roast pork served with sauerkraut or black pudding with cowberry jam on a cold winter’s day.
This book presents traditional Estonian dishes. Some have been staples for centuries and are still loved today. Many of them are easily prepared from ingredients known to us all and found in every home. They definitely have a unique taste.
Kirjastus Tulip, 128 lk, kõvakaaneline